- Corporation with Board of Directors
- Paris, France
- Closing date: December 31
- Date of the Last Annual General Meeting: April 25, 2024
- Bloomberg - Gender Equality ,
- CDP Climate Change (A) ,
- CHRB (Corporate Human Rights Benchmark) (33,1 %) ,
- Fashion Transparency Index (147,5) ,
- Global 100 (45) ,
- Refinitiv Global Diversity & Inclusion Index (22) ,
- Science Based Targets (SBTi) (1.5°C) ,
- CDP Triple A (Climate - Forests - Water Security) ,
- Equileap Gender Equality Global 100 (22)
Ethics & Boards Databank reserved for subscribers
Governance leadership structure
Board of Directors
- François-Henri PINAULT
- Chair
- Since over 19 years
voting members
and 1
- Independents
- Executives
- Employees representatives
- State representatives
- Other
average seniority 6.7 years 7.4 years for elected by shareholders
average age 61.4 years 62.3 years for elected by shareholders |
Executive Committee
- François-Henri PINAULT
- Chief Executive Officer
- Since over 19 years
- Other directorships
73.6 %
Percentage of variable remunerations in 2023 Global compensation