L'Oréal awarded first prize for gender diverisity by EthicsandBoards and the Institute for Responsible Capitalism

Clichy, 13 July 2018 - The second edition of the "Grands Prix de la Mixité" by Ethics & Boards Observatory and the Institute for Responsible Capitalism (also known as the "Zimmermann Index") recognized L'Oréal as #1 among French CAC 40 companies with regards to the presence of women in key positions.

This ranking was marked by the increase in the number of women among the top 100 executives of L'Oréal. The Group also ranked #1 in the category "Consumer Goods and Services" as it did in 2017. 

"Gender diversity, like any form of diversity, has always been a strategic priority for L'Oréal because it is a source of innovation and acceleration of performance in the company. This Grand Prix rewards a proactive policy initiated more than 15 years ago and whose objective is to achieve parity at all levels of the organization " 
said Jean-Paul AGON, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of L'Oréal.

Women represent 69% of L'Oréal's 82,600 employees worldwide, 33.3% of its Executive Committee and 46% of its Board of Directors.

L'Oréal has a long-standing commitment to workplace gender equality, and aims to ensure equal job classifications and pay for equal skills. In France, where the Group has worked with the French national institute for demographic studies (INED) to analyse the pay gap since 2007, the gender-based pay gap on a like-for-like basis was under 3% in 2017 for management, and nonexistent for other employee categories. In recognition of its progress in workplace gender equality, L'Oréal received both the GEEIS (Gender Equality European and International Standard) and EDGE (The Global Business Certification Standard for Gender Equality) certifications in 30 countries.

The "Grands Prix de la Mixité" are in line with the Copé-Zimmermann Act which aims to establish an objective and independent measure of gender diversity at board and executive level of SBF 120 companies. Structured around 6 sectors based on the MSCI classification (Modern Index Strategy Indexes), it takes into account 3 dimensions: the mixity of the council; the diversity of executive management bodies and the representation of women in the company. Initiated in France, the approach has now extended to Europe with the creation of 3 European Grands Prix. 
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